Saturday, December 20, 2008

La Table - The Table

Most of us have a Christmas family feast and a Christmas dinner. If you aren't really a cook or a chef you can enjoy the cartoons in "La Table" (1985) one of these days.

La Table is a publication of HA, the French "Humoristes Associés": Avoine, Barbe, Blachon, Bridenne, Lacroix, Laville, Loup, Mordillo, Mose, Napo, Nicoulaud, Sabatier, Serre, Siné, Soulas, Trez. Preface by Jacques Bens and Menu by Pierre Troisgros.

The 'humoristes associés' HA!

You can try this menu I found in the book:

Amuse-gueule pour MORDILLO à l'apéritif
Flocons d'AVOINE en GRANGER à la BARBE de capucin
Filets de LOUP de LACROIX-Valmer
MOSE-aïque de légumes cal-SINE
Re-BLACHON fermier et BRIE-DENNE affiné
Reine de SABATIER aux fruits de SERRE
NAPO de son NICOULAUD de framboises.
Take a look in the kitchen! This poster is called 'Chaos in the kitchen'. Quite obvious.

Pour Santa Claus! (Roger Blachon)
and Maffia dinner (Sabatier)

The bill please! (by Soulas)
Learn more:
A copy of this book on an eBay -auction (end Déc 25!)

La Table - cartoonbook file:

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