When the
Angel Boligan exhibition in the ECC started, the brand new cartoon book of Angel was about to appear. I was very impressed by the cartoons of the artist and today I bought his book online. I'm longing for the postman untill he brings me the book at my home...
Bado's blog, you find an article about the book and Angel.
Te book can be bought on the
Cartoon Ark website:
144 pages full illustrated with drawings by Boligán. ISBN 978-960-973-402-8 . Size 17x24
Prologue by Antonio Antunes, Cartoonist & Director of World Press Cartoon.
We could call Boligán a “versatile cartoonist”, since his work consists of excellent cartoon editorials, remarkable caricatures and small comic strips of great quality.
His talent, though, is mainly reflected in his humorous drawings. He is dealing with everyday issues –love and disappointment, ecology, religion, speculation, new technologies and corruption.
With his subtle humour and great capacity for synthesis and with his original and sophisticated work, Boligán is a brilliant artist. In any case, we prefer to call Boligán a rising cartoonist.
Some impressions of the exhibition in the ECC:
picture taking... from left to right: Pol Leurs, Norbert van Yperzeele, Nikola IOA Hendrickx,
Luc Vermeersch, Luc Vernimmen, Angel Boligan, Rudy Gheysens, Jan Dufour, Cost |
Yes, I bought the book... in Greece:
Learn more:
Cartoon Ark
Bodo's Blog
Mondevidences on the ECC Blog