Hurrah! A new exhibition in the ECC: we proudly present to you: O-SEKOER (Luc Descheemaeker, Belgium)

Luc Descheemaeker was born in 1955 in Bruges. He teaches ‘Art and Culture’ in the Sint-Jozefinstitute in Torhout. He makes cartoons and humor photos and won more than 100 international prizes.His pseudonym is O-SEKOER ,on the French "au-secours" or the English "help".
recent O-Sekoer award-winning cartoon O-SEKOER does not publish in newspapers or weeklies, nor does he do political cartoons. He chiefly draws with international cartoon festivals in mind. As such, he annually submits his work to some 30 major exhibitions worldwide. After a career that has spanned more than 2 decades, he is able to present a List of Achievements that is positively bulking with international success. Winning nominations, honorary mentions and first prizes from the most widely differing festivals as far as Japan, Bulgaria, Brazil, Turkey, Cuba and Spain.
read more...You can visit the exhibition from 18th january till 5th april 2009 in the ECC in Kruishoutem, Belgium. Every sunday from 10 to 12am and 2 to 5pm.
dedication : "to Jan for another 1000 years of cartoon pleasure"I have this excellent O-SEKOER cartoon book (1998) to present to you. It offers a rundown of the many prizes O-Sekoer has drawn for his audiences over a 20 year time stretch, including fantastic humor photos. In addition it provides archive photos as well as an outline of his List of Achievements. The book was published in 1998 on the occasion of the "100 O-Sekoer Cartoon Awards" exhibition in his honour.
Other books of O-Sekoer are 'Hersenschimmen' (1983), 'De Katte Loog' (1988).
The book is available, price 10 eur.
You can order the book here.
Original cartoons are for sale too: framed works (black wooden frame with passe partout) 50/60 cost 250. Not framed work costs 150 euros.
Awards, awards, award...

O-Sekoer is a master in humor photo too! A rare quality.
This is a photo from the 1998 album, but quite topical today with Obama's swearing-in!
Learn more:O-Sekoer website !
O-Sekoer on ToonpoolO-Sekoer GalleryMore photocartoons, by photographer: René MaltêteCartoonbook file: