You can visit the The "Humour & Vigne" exhibition is in the European Cartoon Center untill 13 September 2009 .

wine specialist Etienne Van Steenberghe does
the opening speech of the exhibition

NOL, the big fair-haired man by the side of Rudy Gheysens
and the French cartoonist Michel Bridenne is
the organiser of the Jonsac cartoon biennal.
What is the meaning of « Humour & Vigne»
To what does «Vigne » refer?
« Humour & Vigne » is the name of the biennial festival and its organising association. In choosing the word « vigne» (both vine and vineyard) rather than « vin » (wine) the organisers offer artists a broader spectrum of choice which could include, for example : the plant, the stock, the leaves, the grapes, the grape juice and of course the wine! Numerous other products such as Cognac, Pineau des Charentes, Champagne etc,.. without forgetting the vineyard and the men who cultivate and plant the vines on their own very porticular soil. Again the cellars, the distillery, the barrels, the bottles and the glasses for the joy of tasting. In short, we could decline over several pages the list of concepts that cover the word « vigne ».

the catalogue cover, drawn by
French cartoonist Michel Bridenne
the cover of the 2006 cartoon folder,
drawn by Roger Blachon
Cartoons and the vine both facilitate an exchange which goes beyond the barriers of language adding to the pleasure and well being of all peoples.
What is the biennial festival?
Since 1994, held every two years in the summer, the festival of Jonzac has gained international renown. The programme includes exhibitions, spectacles, and humorous entertainements. The festival welcomes artists and supports regional and international links. The event gives the opportunity to publish a catalogue, a poster and humorous wine labels. Every festival keeps a general theme of « Humour & Vigne » and every time proposes a unique subject: Cognoc in 1996, Earth and Sea in I998, Millennium Merriment in 2000, the Kitchen in 2002, Art in 2004, Sport in 2006 and Love in 2008 (Guest of honour was Michel Bidenne)

in fact, the catalogue is a folder containing several pages
with cartoons. Its quite unique.
this is how it looks like...
Who is concerned?
In 2006, 275 cartoonists (amongst them some famous names and many members of FECO) from over forty countries, submitted about 700 artworks half of which were selected for inclusion in the exhibition. About 20 cartoonists, a dozen of performance artists, thirty or more organising volunteers and sixty supporters and sponsors were present.
All the above contributed to the success of the event, as did the 35.000 (approx) visitors who attended the exhibition in jonzac and others towns in France.
Where and when is/was it?
In J
onzac (France), town of water and of Pineau, situated between Cognac and Bordeaux. From 21lth June to I5th July 2008.
In brief
« Humour & Vigne » has no other ambition than to unite the talents of cartoonists worldwide around a theme generous in its interpretation. A small festival in a small town with a small budget but a high investment from volunteers creating bonhomie between the invited artists participants and organisers.
The organising committee of “Humour & Vigne”

back side of the 2006 folder -
Learn more:
Cartoonbooks file (under construction)