Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cartoon Puzzles

What’s nice about cartoonbooks collecting is that , over time, you have a very diverse collection. Many different styles, different book sizes, different countries, different artists…
This year, at “Boekenfestijn” in Kortrijk I discovered a cartoon puzzle book: “The New Yorker book of Cartoon Puzzles and Games”. The least I can say about the book is that it’s inventive and original!“It’s a puzzle book until you solve the puzzles – then it’s a book of New Yorker cartoons with pencil marks all over it.”
Some puzzles are quite difficult to solve, especially when you’re not a native English speaker. A few examples of my favourite games and puzzles in the book. (the puzzles that most people can solve with a little understanding of English).
“Once removed” – In some captionless cartoons some details have been removed and placed in a box. The game is to match each cartoon with the missing item in the box. Fun!
“Well-ordered” – put drawings from a multipanel cartoon in the prober order
“caption matching” – match a series of cartoons with its caption…

Afterwards I regretted not buying 2 copies of the book, the price was only 3,95 euro. One specimen to keep clean, and one to fill in the answers to the puzzles and games…

Read more:
The New Yorker Bookshop
Extended book review by forewordmagazine
[Cartoon Puzzles Cartoonbook File]

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