Kiraz is born in Cairo in 1923. There, he first worked as a political satirist, in a style close to David Low, during WW II. He moved to France then, from 1948, he changed his style and published humorous cartoons in various French papers & magazines, especially in “Jours de France” where he created his “Parisiennes” characters, on 1959. These modern and fashionable young women brought him fame as well in France as abroad.
Half a century years later, The Musée Carnavalet, the Paris museum about Paris, is holding an exhibition showing a large body of his work (open from 14 May to 21 September 2008). This first major retrospective of his work includes 130 pieces: original cartoons (like the ones he is publishing, from 1970, in “Playboy” magazine), some paintings that have never been seen, sketches, photographs, advertising posters and press clippings.
This book also contains his self-biography, and a lot of information about his work

Kiraz is well-known for his instantly recognisable style of cartoons, especially his series of impossibly tall and thin young feminine characters called '
Les Parisiennes'. Here they are, before and after wedding, sometimes completely brainless, sometimes wickedly satirical, but ever so true and funny. Kiraz is a chronicler of contemporary mores and Paris fashions.
One must mention this book is prefaced by Carla Bruni, the actual France first lady.
Her last sentence is: < “Les Parisiennes” are the frivolous and timeless Parisian women, so I wish courage to their future husbands.> Well thought…
Kiraz has published fourteen other cartoon books, and one is dedicated to his advertising posters for the sugar substitute ‘Canderel’.

Learn more:KIRAZ Artworks - Site officielBibliographie of KirazCartoonbook file 'Les Parisiennes de Kiraz' - catalogue de l'exposition au Musée Carnavalet

Cartoonbook file 'Les Parsiennes se marient'