Monday, July 28, 2008

Split Tease. Cartoons by Davor Stambuk.

Štambuk, born in Split in 1934, was a journalist first. He comes to France in 1967. There, as a cartoonist, his career is boosted by the Prix Bellus, an award he receives from the weekly paper ‘France Dimanche’, a year later. He publishes in about ten French papers before his comeback to his country. However, his (often smutty) cartoons were constantly published in ‘Ici Paris’ up to his retirement in 1999. In addition to his cartoons published in the Croatian press, he has published four thematic cartoon books: ‘Sex Made Man’ (in France), ‘Sex and…’, ‘Summertime’, ‘In Vino Veritas’, these three in Croatia. He is a specialist of ‘no captions cartoons’.

Read more:
Cartoonbook file

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