Jugoslav Vlahovic was born in 1949, Belgrade. He finished the Second Belgrade Gymnasium, theme for his final exam Tools and Machines for Wood Processing...He graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts in Belgrade where he is now a professor of Graphic (Book) Design. From 1976 he has been an illustrator-cartoonists and editor of NIN the foremost weekly news magazine in Belgrade. His drawings appeared in many Yugoslav journals and abroad including The New York Times, Wiener Journal, la Reppublica, Das Sonntagsblatt, l' Monde, Courrier International, etc. He had over 60 solo exhibitions. Vlahovic is the author of eight books of his own cartoons and one portfolio of graphic prints. He is the recipient of numerous awards and his works are several museums and collections.

In the introduction by Dragomir Antonic, I read:
"Jugoslav vlahovic approached the tree as a friend; he draws it simply and realistically, with usual strokes of a pencil or a brush. Everything is easy, carefree and visible with a naked eye... A hundred years ago Cika Jova Zmaj wrote down and charged Serbian children a rhyme "Wherever you find a proper place, plant a tree!".
Jugoslav Vlahovic listened to him. He created hundreds of drawings valuable of hundreds of stories. He proved that a tree has a soul. Today soul is utterly deprived of its rights and it is the biggest minority community on our planet. Save it until it is to late."

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Cartoonbook file

this is very interesting blog. cartoon forever!!! keep in touch. Jan. waiting for your next post...
Jugoslav's feelings for wood are just unique...this series should be shown to Brazil so they can realize that the wood is our friend...
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