Until a few weeks ago I had never heard of Ronaldo. However, many of the cartoons in this book seemed familiar to me. Many of it were published in the catalogues of the Knokke-Heist Festival. Because they were so good, I could still remember them. I was pleased Jean-Marie introduced this book to me.
"Ronaldo Cunha Dias (Brasil), the surgeon, and Ronaldo, the cartoonist, are the same person. He ‘s born in Vacaria (Brasil) where he is practicing as a doctor for over twenty years. He likes to draw since his childhood; this liking became a permanent passion till today. Usually, one says: cartooning is just a pastime, this hobby which gives him a huge pleasure and its all started in 1985 when he won the first prize “Playboy Magazine Finds New Humorists”. As a result: he regularly publishes his cartoons in this magazine.
From then, he was granted more and more awards, in Brazil and abroad, up to the point of being considered as one of the most awarded Brazilian cartoonist in national and international humor festivals.
Since 1995, he is in charge of Pioneiro, a newspaper in Caxias do Sud, and is a collaborator of Zero Hora, in Porto Alegre. He also publishes in the USA, through the Cartoonist & Writers Syndicate, and in Europe, by Joker Feature Service. He published two other books (0 Homem que Ri and Posso Rir Agora, Doutor), in addition to various participations in collective books."

The Doctor and the "Monster" (translated introductory text)
"No, nothing to do with Dr. Henry Jeckill. I refer to Dr. Ronaldo Cunha Dias, well known, devoted and dear doctor of Vacaria where he lives. His activity as one of the important leaders of the community not to preclude his practice of another activity, with the same dedication, being a cartoonist.
Nor I remember Mr. Edward Hyde (may Robert Louis Stevenson forgive me), because the monster I mention is the one rated in Aurelião as "exceptional artist of great talent ... Person of reputation and prestige that by being praised to the extreme, became not open to criticism, myth, untouchable". And here, yes, everything matches, because this applies to Ronaldo, who, as a cartoonist, is a real "sacred monster" (colossus). And one of the most talented artists of our time. His work has been recognized worldwide for creativity, notable quality of humor and for his special skill as designer, which characterized his work as unusual for its personal expression. -
Ronaldo has received the highest prizes, both national and international. I'll say another time, in another place, a summary of his career's awards: it is a catalog of all the cartoon festivals in the world. His work has appeared in the most famous international publications. His cartoons are regularly published by the Brazilian press, and he is considered as one of the most important national cartoonist.
The Ronaldo Cunha Dias interest in every cartoon matter, is notable. He is always ready to exchange opinion and experience with his colleagues. This is the reason why he has been so frequently asked to represent the Brazilian cartoon in famous international events."
Special thanks to Ronaldo and JM Bertin. Texts translated from Portuguese into English with a little help from Google Translate.
Ronaldo has published 4 books. "Cartunismo Médico" is his most recent book:
Learn more:
Ronaldocartoons.com.br[Sorria... Voce Esta em Extincao - cartoonbook file]