This year's theme of the Bruges cartoonale was 'Crime and punishment'.
I received a copy of the catalague. Enjoy some cartoons by top cartoonists.
online version of the catalogue is available.
Luka Lagator, Montenegro |
Norbert Van Yperzeele, Belgium |
Nikola Hendrickx, Belgium |
Pol Leurs, Luxemburg |
Cost, Constantin Sunnerberg, Belgium (Pussy Riot ) |
Zygmunt Zaradkiewics, Poland |
Ross Thomson, UK |
Pawel Kuczynski, Poland |
Allessandro Gatto, Italy |
Otto Lothar, Germany |
Tomasz Wilczkiewics, Poland |
The cartoon above makes me think at some characteristics of the Belgian legal system...
Learn more:
Cartoonale Brugge website
Online catalogue