10 years ago, on the occasion of EXPO 2000 in Hannover (Goethe Institut, Germany), there was a cartoon contest dedicated to Humankind and Energy, a theme that is very actual today. In the first 53 pages of the catalogue there are a series of essays with titles as 'Humankind and Energy' (Hilman Hoffmann), 'Electricity suppliers and the cartoon' (by Hannes Rieckhoff) , 'A bird's eye view on the cartoon in Western Europe' (Koos van Weringh), 'Comments on the cartoon in eastern European countries' (Gotthard Brandler), 'Cartoons outside the modern western world: A universal media for local constellations of life' (Dieter Kramer), 'With the stroke right to the point. Some remarks on the political cartoon' (Günter Marquis).
The cartoons are published according to themes, such as
Scarcity of Resources/Dependence on Energy, Visions, Environment Protection / Energy Saving, Nuclear Energy, Renewable Energies, Technologie gone mad, Power Symbols, Light, Mobility Extraordinary and some Witty / Peculiar.
Enjoy some cartoons, some very hot today. I 'll leave it to the reader to allocate the themes to the cartoons.
Dmitriy Dorzdov- Russia |
Grzegorz Szumowski - Roland |
Gholamreza Azimi - Iran |
Ivan Kovacik - Slovakia |
Mihai Ignat - Romania |
Radivoj Gvozdanovic - Croatia |
Ross Thomson - Great Britain |
Toso Borkovic - Yogoslavia |
Yukio Takahashi - Japan |
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