When I read through 'Wow Eva' by Quirit, I was overwhelmed by a series of very funny cartoons based on hot political , anthropological and cultural topics. Wow Eva! is a compilation of cartoons published in P-Magazine and Gazet van Antwerpen. The cartoons have Dutch captions, but on Quirits website you'll find some English and French ones as well. It was hard to make a choice, but eventually here is a small selection to show you the genius of Quirit.
Quirit (Jean-Marie Mathues, Belgium, born 1953) debuted as a cartoonist in 1976 in the Belgian magazine Knack. He got famous for his absurd drawings in the satirical weekly De Zwijger (1982-1983). Quirit draws or drew for De Volkskrant (Holland), Neue Revue (Gemany), Punch (Great-Britain), Quo (France). In Belgium he publishes mainly in P-Magazine and the newspaper Gazet van Antwerpen. Except at Glénat in France and at Achterbahn in Germany, Quirit published in his homeland Belgium the books: Doe de Kiwi (Do the Kiwi), Gehuwd zijn is... (being married means ...), Gejaagd door de waanzin (Gone With the madness), Fijne Vleeswaren (Fine Meats) and Een kaakslag te ver (An affront too far).
source: catalogue Press Cartoon Belgium 2008

"We're opposed to wearing burqas"

"... and a diet coke."

Iranian nuclear missiles

Karl Lagerfeld without
stiff white collar
already uses her dildobelisk
With kind permission of Quirit.