A voluminous cartoon knowledge base
avant-la-lettre: 676 pages
They exist: cartoon encyclopedias. It took some time but eventually I was able to buy on eBay this cartoon encyclopedia. For 9,99 usd... but with shipping cost and an unexpected custom tax it costed a lot more. But it was value for money. A must-have for cartoon book collectors.

The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons (Chelsea House Publishers, 1980), prepared by 22 authors and editors from a dozen different countries, is a comprehensive and unique reference source on the world of cartoons,one of mankind's liveliest arts. It is the indispensable companion volume to Maurice Horn's The World Encyclopedia of Comics published by Chelsea House.
With more than 900 cartoons in blackwhite and color, this volume is both an encyclopedic source book and a joyous trove for happy browsing.
Covered here, both broadly and in depth, is the whole field of cartooning arts-animation, syndicated panels, humor, editorial, sports, caricature. All aspects of cartooning are examined and evaluated-historic, aesthetic, social, cultural and commercial. The exhaustive data compiled for this book from around the world has been obtained, for the most part, first-hand by researching original sources and through interviews with cartoonists, animators, editors, publishers and producers active in the field. In conjunction with its companion volume,
A look inside
The index with more than 1200 entries
the World Encyclopedia of Comics, the cartoons encyclopedia constitutes a unique overview of all the cartooning arts; by itself, it provides a broad range of fascinating information in a field that has touched all important phases of history for the past 200 years.
The book with its dust jacket
There are more than 1200 alphabetical and cross-referenced entries on cartoons and cartoonists with special emphasis on styles, themes, cultural contributions, and influences on other artists. On the cartoons themselves, in their various forms, the entries include brief histories, summaries of theme and plot, evaluations of the work and its particular historical perspective as well as its adaptation to other media.
In addition to the entries, The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons includes: the history of animation; a chronology of cartoon developments; a glossary, bibliography and appendix.
The 22 editors and authors from a dozen countries have contributed to the development of this work under the direction of Maurice Horn, world-renowned comic authority. These contributors, each outstanding in his own field, have brought to this book their own perceptions and insights and particular national perrspectives, thus making it truly an encyclopedia which, in its style and outlook, is global in scope.
The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons is an indispensable reference tool for students and researchers in the field and an endless source of information and entertainment for the general reader on every aspect of the art.
Cartoonbook file: