Humor in de geneeskunde (humor in medicine) by Eduard H. Hermans (Uitg. Het Wereldvenster, Baarn, Holland, Dutch, 2x 154 pages) consists of 2 books. The first part was published in 1961, the second in 1962.
It's a collection of cartoons about all aspects of medicine. The books starts with an essay about humor in general, followed by an essay about humor in medicine. There are chapters with cartoons about doctors at work, man as patients, woman as patients, odd cases, history of medicine, childbirth, pregnancy, dentist, doctors in uniform, doctors and money, the end of life, etc.
The author gives feedback and commentary on all the cartoons in the book, something that's quite rare in cartoon book land. The cartoons are all numbered.
cartoon by Chas Addams |
As you will notice, the author mentioned TETSU (number 148) as being the cartoonist.This is wrong: both cartoons are by BOSC.