Sunday, September 6, 2015

Les Cartes du Vatican by Pino Zac - Some more church humor...

Pino Zac (1930-1985)  whose real name is Giuseppe Zaccaria,  was a cartoonist, writer and producer of Italian animation pictures.

Yesterday I found his book "Les cartes du Vatican" (the playing cards of the Vatican), published in 1973. in which the cartoonist ridicules the Vatican polici...
He drawes priest, bisshops, monks  as corrupt and addicted card gamblers. Quite an original approach with playing cards in the lead role and lots of good humor.

Learn more:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Mystery has been solved!

"Val Valentine" and "Scotty" were actually pen-names for American cartoonist Scott Taber.

Here is one of his cartoons from 1990.