Sunday, January 11, 2015

Nous sommes Charlie. In memoriam Cabu, Wolinski, Charb, Tignous, Honoré...

“Artists, by their free expressions, encourage others to be free. This is the quality that makes works of art enduring.” 
― Marty Rubin

My thaughts go to all the murdered cartoonists, policemen and people this week in France.

The quote above goes up for cartoonists, who encourage people to think free and help us relativize... 

Because my main interest for cartoons goes to gag cartoons without caption, my collection of editioral cartoons isn't that big. I don't have a collection of the Charlie Hebdo magazine. I believe in the freedom of expression, one of the the highest goods in society. Even if I don't always agree with some provocative cartoons.

I've sought and found some cartoons of the murdered cartoonists in my collection: in Le Dico Solo and Petite Encyclopédie du Dessin Drôle. Their work lives on ...




Honoré Philippe

Honoré Philippe

Tignous Bernard Verlhac


In this footage, the cartoonists Charb, Cabu,Wolinski and Tignous show their warm heart for Clowns sans frontières... (Clowns without Borders)... they were much mor than cartoonist that drew Mohammed cartoons!

Learn more:
Le Parisien

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