Monday, July 25, 2016

Roland Topor - Dessins

It took me a long time, but eventually I bought a book of the French surrealistic author, illustrator, scenarist, poet, and painter Roland Topor (1938-1997).

He is mainly known as an illustrator and graphic artist and famous for combining surrealism with black humor. His unique world is full of absurd and impossible situations, rather than creepy and non-sense.

The book title is Dessins (which means drawings) and was published by Albin Michel in 1968. If you look on online auction sites, you'll notice that relatively high prices are asked for books of Topor.

"Humour noir" is not my favourite style but of course of value in a collection. His drawings are quite strange and at first sight uncomprehendible (even at second sight).

In the clip below you can discover more drawings...

Learn more:
More drawings on Kunst Kabinett

Friday, July 15, 2016

Le Petit Monde de Pat Mallet / Wie das Leben so spielt ... The world of Pat Mallet: traveling

Summer means traveling, holidays, relaxing...
Browsing through some books of the great French cartoonist Pat Mallet (1941 - 2012 ) , I present you some nice cartoons to get in the mood of vacation...

Two cartoons were published in "Le Petit Monde de Pat Mallet" (Dargaud, France 1975), the other you can find in "Wie das Leben so spielt" (Cartoons Krüger, Austria, 1983).

Traveling with Pat Mallet:

And to end: this multi panel cartoons is hilarious (into my humble opinion)
Don't try this when you are in London...

Learn more:
Pat Mallet on our blog

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tony Houbrechts Exhibition Catalogue

For the opening of the exhibition of cartoonist Tony Houbrechts (°1942, St-Truiden, Belgium)  I wore my "Old School" T-shirt.
Into my opinion the cartoons by Tony Houbrechts (aka Toni or Cartoni)  are old school. This in a very positive way of course.

This is the wikipedia definition of the noun:

"In slang, "old school" or "old skool" can refer to anything that is from an earlier era or anything that may be considered "old-fashioned". The term is commonly used to suggest a high regard for something that has been shown to have lasting value or quality.
It may refer to: music, film, literature and art, computers and gaming, others"

Remember "high regard and lasting value or quality". The cartoons aren't old fashioned at all, they are just timelessly funny and drawn in a traditional way, without all that Photoshop stuff.

Tony Houbrechts

Learn more:
bio of Tony Houbrechts on ECC website